Our Articles

Spreading Ramadan Blessings: House of Zakat and Waqf Uganda’s Iftar Distribution in Bukomansimbi

Spreading Ramadan Blessings: House of Zakat and Waqf Uganda’s Iftar Distribution in Bukomansimbi

Alhamdulillah, the blessed month of Ramadan is a time of reflection, compassion, and generosity. On the 8th day of this holy month, our dedicated team at House of Zakat and Waqf Uganda reached out to communities in Mizindaalo, Kayanja, Mirembe, an


GPN - Islamic Finance Grant to Build a Sustainable Islamic Social Finance Ecosystem in Uganda Notice Type : International Competitive Bidding Issue Date : 22 October 2024 Last date of submission : 22 J

House of Zakat and Waqf Uganda: Malaysian Scholarship 2024 Batch
House of Zakat and Waqf Uganda: Malaysian Scholarship 2024 Batch

The House of Zakat and Waqf Uganda is thrilled to announce that the 2024 batch of scholarship recipients is set to embark on an exciting journey to Malaysia on October 22, 2024. This initiative aims to provide studen

Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees

Meet the Board of Trustees Team # Member Name 1. Hajji Mohammed Magid Bagalaaliwo

The Muslim community thrives from your giving

We were founded to make your zakat payments easy and with a purpose driven distribution.

Pay Zakat
Pay Zakat Ads
Board of Directors
Board of Directors

Member Name Occupation Sheikh Abdu Obed Kamulegeya Chairman

Founder Members
Founder Members

Meet Founder Members Team # Member Name Occupation 1

What is Sadaq?
What is Sadaq?

DEFINITION OF SADAQ Sadaq: These are alms or charitable gifts donated voluntarily expressing sympathy with the recipient, not of duty or re-numeration. Swadaqah can be given anytime or Swadaqah is fo

What is Waqf
What is Waqf

DEFINITION OF WAQFWaqf means: to donate, grant, create, and institute a valuable thing permanently for a pious or charitable purpose, seeking rewards from Allah.

Beneficiaries of Zakat
Beneficiaries of Zakat

According to the Quran (9:60) ~ Surah Taubah, there are 8 categories of people who qualify to receive Zakat: Qurân 9: 60 (Surat Taubah)

Intention of Zakat
Intention of Zakat

In Islam the significance of niyya lies in the role it plays in differentiating between an act of worship and other actions, or differentiating between the obligatory at of worship (faradha) and non-(obligatory act of worship (sunnah

What is Zakat?
What is Zakat?

DEFINITION OF ZAKAT.:. Zakat is an Arabic term. It denotes growth, purification and blessing.Many prophetic Traditions command Muslims

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