House Of Zakat and Waqf
House of Zakat and Waqf, Uganda is a non-denominational and not for profit organization set up to manage and administer Zakat (obligatory dues) and preservation of Waqf (endowment) in accordance with the teaching of the Holy Quran, Hadith, Consensus and Analogy for the social wellbeing of Muslims and development of Islam.
Our Offices
Feel Free to visit our Head Offices located on Plot 9, Perryman Garden, Old Kampala Just Opposite Old Kampala Primary School
Read moreBoard of Trustees
Meet the Board of Trustees Team # Member Name 1. Hajji Mohammed Magid Bagalaaliwo
Read moreZakat Distribution
The distribution of Zakat is guided by the Sharia Board and underscores the following among others.
supported students in universities, secondary and primary schools
Tons of maize flour distributed to victims of hunger in 2016
Acres of Eucalyptus trees in Mbiriizi, Lwengo District
Frequently Asked Questions
These are alms or charitable gifts donated voluntarily expressing sympathy with the recipient, not of duty or re-numeration. Swadaqah can be given anytime or Swadaqah is for those who are below the minumum ammount (Niswab) liable to payment of Zakat.
Zakat is an Arabic term, it denotes: growth, purity, and blessing. Quran: 24:56 (Surat Al-An-Nur) Allah says: ......And Perform As-salat and give Zakat and obey the Messenger (Muhamad S.A.W) - that you may receive mercy from Allah.